JSC 'Uzkimyosanoat'

Net profit distribution of Uzkimyosanoat JSC for the results of 2021 year


No. Name Percent Amount (sums)
Total net profit 100,0 53 358 597 800,0
1. for dividends 50,0 26 679 298 900,0
2. to the reserve fund of the company (in accordance with article 32 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On joint stock companies and protection of rights of shareholders'") 5,0 2 667 929 890,0
3. to the Fund for Support of Innovation Activities (according to the resolutions of the Cabinet
of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.01.2018 No. 24 and dated 12.03.2018 No. 195)
10,0 5 335 859 780,0
4. to the Labor Protection Fund (according to the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.11.2008 No. 245 and the Regulations on the Fund) 1,0 533 585 978,0
5. to the Fund for Development and Support of Chemical Industry Enterprises (in accordance with paragraph 13 of the protocol No. 22 of the presentation meeting held under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M. Mirziyoyev) 32,00 17 074 751 296,0
6. for remuneration of management and control bodies, (members and secretary of the Supervisory board, executive body and audit committee) 2,0 1 067 171 956,0