JSC 'Uzkimyosanoat'

Annual report of the issuer by the results of 2015


The body of the issuer who took the decision General Meeting of Shareholders
Date of report approval 30.06.2016


Full Joint Stock company "O'zkimyosanoat"
Short: JSC  "O'zkimyosanoat"
Name of stock exchange ticker: No
Location: Tashkent, Shaykhantahur district, Navoi, 38
Postal address: Tashkent, Shaykhantahur district, Navoi, 38
E-mail address: uzkimyosanoat@uks.uz
Official Website: www.uzkimyosanoat.uz
Наименование обслуживающего банка: JSC  «O’zbekiston sanoat qurilish banki»
Current account: 2021 0000 1041 2256 9001
MFI: 440
assigned by the registering body: 1405
assigned by the State Tax Service (TIN): 203621367
appropriated by bodies of state statistics  
CFS: 144
OKPO: 17763452
OKONH: 97300
SOATO: 1726277


5 Indicators of financial and economic condition of the issuer
Profitability of the authorized capital, coefficient 0,8
Coverage of total solvency, coefficient 13,24
Ratio of absolute liquidity, coefficient 5,99
Ratio of own and attracted funds, coefficient 158,18
The ratio of the issuer's own and borrowed funds: 158,18


  11   Balance sheet
Indicator name Code p. At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
I. Long-term assets
Non-Current Assets: 000    
Initial (replacement) value (01,03) 010 5056398.90 5199474.40
Depreciation amount (0200) 011 3463936.00 3883921.10
Residual (book) value (lines 010-011) 012 1592462.90 1315553.30
Intangible assets: 000    
Initial value (0400) 020 160300.00 160300.00
Depreciation amount (0500) 021 96300.00 128300.00
Residual value (carrying amount) (020-021) 022 64000.00 32000.00
Long-term investments, total (lines: 040+050+060+070+080), including: 030 232354912.60 235136739.00
Securities (0610) 040 200074.90 233612.00
Investments in subsidiaries (0620) 050 6237753.60 6522618.90
Investments in associated companies (0630) 060 139450457.00 143275824.60
Investments in enterprises with foreign capital (0640) 070 230624.00 239937.10
Other long-term investments (0690) 080 86239003.10 84864746.40
Equipment for installation (0700) 090    
Capital investments (0800) 100 728264.40 733311.00
Long-term receivables (0910, 0920, 0930, 0940) 110    
Out of which,over due receivables 111    
Long-term deferred expenses (0950, 0960, 0990) 120    
TOTAL ON SECTION I (012+022+030+090+100+110+120) 130 234739639.90 237217603.30
Inventories, total (lines 150+160+170+180), including: 140 63404.70 50307.30
Inventories in stock (1000,1100,1500,1600) 150 63404.70 50307.30
Work in progress (2000, 2100, 2300, 2700) 160    
Finished products (2800) 170    
Goods (2900 less 2980) 180    
Future expenses (3100) 190    
Deferred expenses (3200) 200 6512388.90 6512388.90
Receivables, total (lines 220+240+250+260+270+280+290+300+310) 210 9645943.80 10013489.30
out of which: receivables in arrears 211    
Receivables due from buyers and customers (4000 less 4900) 220 72.00 317518.50
Receivables due from subdivisions (4110) 230    
Receivables due from subsidiaries and associates (4120) 240 21449.00  
Advances to employees (4200) 250 48405.80 5555.90
Advances to suppliers and contractors (4300) 260 2526741.00 2507238.30
Advances for taxes and levies on budget (4400) 270 122587.80 31104.40
Advances to target funds and on insurance (4500) 280 43429.50 6834.30
Receivables due from founders to authorized capital (4600) 290    
Receivables due from personnel on other operations (4700) 300    
Other account receivables (4800) 310 6883258.70 7144940.90
Cash, total (lines 330+340+350+360), including: 320 4763416.70 1786967.40
Cash on hand (5000) 330    
Cash on settlement account (5100) 340 176984.30 186933.30
Cash in foreign currency (5200) 350 2347098.20 556091.10
Other cash and cash equivalents (5500, 5800, 5700) 360 2239334.20 1043943.00
Short-term investments (5800) 370    
Other current assets (5900) 380    
TOTAL ON SECTION II (lines 140+190+200+210+320+370+380) 390 20985154.10 18363152.90
Total on assets of balance (130+390) 400 255724794.00 255580756.20
I. Sources of own funds
Authorized capital (8300) 410 151801131.70 155147992.30
Additional paid-in capital (8400) 420    
Reserve capital (8500) 430 6187027.90 6328001.50
Treasury stock (8600) 440    
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) (8700) 450 3781097.50 1991823.80
Special-purpose receipts (8800) 460 56103753.10 55828753.10
Reserves for future expenses and payments (8900) 470    
TOTAL ON SECTION I (lines 410+420+430+440+450+460+470) 480 217873010.20 219296570.70
Long-term liabilities, total (lines 500+520+530+540+550+560+570+580+590) 490 36241819.90 34894010.30
including: long-termaccounts payable (lines 500+520+540+580+590) 491    
Out of which: Long term accounts payable 492    
Long-term accounts due to suppliers and contractors (7000) 500    
Long-term accounts due to subdivisions (7110) 510    
Long term accounts due to subsidiaries and associates (7120) 520    
Long-term deferred income (7210, 7220, 7230) 530 36241819.90 34894010.30
Long-term deferred tax liabilities and other mandatory payments (7240) 540    
Other long-term deferred liabilities (7250, 7290) 550    
Advances from buyers and customers (7300) 560    
Long-term bank loans (7810) 570    
Long-term borrowings (7820, 7830, 7840) 580    
Other long-term accounts payable (7900) 590    
Current liabilities, total (lines 610+630+640+650+660+670+680+690+700+710+720+ +730+740+750+760) 600 1609963.90 1390175.20
including: current accounts payable (lines 610+630+650+670+6 80+6 90+700+710+720+760) 601 1609963.90 1390175.20
Out of which: accounts payable – in arrears 602    
Due from suppliers and contractors (6000) 610 477799.20 315001.20
Due to subdivisions (6110) 620    
Due to subsidiaries and associates (6120) 630    
Deferred income (6210, 6220, 6230) 640    
Deferred liabilities for taxes and mandatory payments (6240) 650    
Other deferred liabilities (6250, 6290) 660    
Advances received (6300) 670 8367.30 642811.90
Due to budget (6400) 680 415199.80 35420.90
Due to insurance (6510) 690 28771.90 14687.40
Due to state target funds (6520) 700 71334.00 54820.20
Due to founders (6600) 710 195422.90  
Salaries payable (6700) 720 155405.70 130817.60
Short-term bank loans (6810) 730    
Short-term borrowings (6820, 6830, 6840) 740    
Current portion of long-term liabilities (6950) 750    
Other accounts payable (6900 except 6950) 760 257663.10 196616.00
Total on section II (lines 490+600) 770 37851783.80 36284185.50
Total on liabilities of balance sheet (lines 480+770) 780 255724794.00 255580756.20


12 Report on financial results
Indicator name Code p. At the beginning of the reporting period At the end of the reporting period
income (profit) expenses (losses) income (profit) expenses (losses)
Net revenue from sales of products (goods, works and services) 010        
Cost of goods sold (goods, works and services) 020        
Gross profit (loss) from sales of production (goods, works and services) (lines 010-020) 030        
Period expenditures, total (lines 050+060+070+080), including: 040   9905818.30   5153620.00
Costs to Sell 050        
Administrative expenses 060   3004026.30   3819181.80
Other operating expenses 070   6901792.00   1334438.20
Expenses of the reporting period excluded from the tax base in the future 080        
Other income from operating activities 090 808287.00   663970.40  
Income (loss) from main activity (lines 0З0-040+090) 100   9097531.30   4489649.60
Earnings from financial activities, total (lines 120+130+140+150+160), including: 110 11735230.80   6027014.00  
Dividend income 120 11288639.60   5844362.60  
Interest income 130        
Income from long-term lease 140        
Income from foreign exchange rate differences 150 446591.20   182651.40  
Other income from financing activities 160        
Expenses from financial operations (lines 180+190+200+210), including: 170   919186.20   264286.30
Expenses in the form of interest 180        
Expenses in the form of interest on long-term lease 190        
Loss from foreign exchange rate differences 200   919186.20   264286.30
Other expenses from financial operations 210        
Income (loss) from general operations (lines 100+110-170) 220 1718513.30   1273078.10  
Extraordinary profits and losses 230        
Profit (loss) before income tax (lines 220+/-230) 240 1718513.30   1273078.10  
Income tax 250        
Other taxes and fees on profits 260        
Net profit (loss) of the reporting period (lines 240-250-260) 270 1718513.30   1273078.10